liposculpture in Iran

Liposculpture surgery in Iran

Excess fat can be eliminated from problem areas like the stomach, hips, thighs, and arms by liposculpture surgery, a cosmetic operation. Iran's modern hospitals, highly trained doctors, and relatively affordable prices have made it a popular destination for anyone seeking medical care, including cosmetic surgery, abroad. Liposculpture surgery is available at a wide variety of [...]
Breast augmentation prices in Iran

Breast augmentation in Iran

What is Breast augmentation in Iran? A breast augmentation or breast prosthesis is a tissue that is similar to the breast and in certain cases, with special protocols, it replaces the natural breast tissue. Breast prostheses have different shapes and sizes and their size can be changed. The best breast prosthesis size can be chosen [...]
Fat Transfer

Lip fillers in Iran

Lip fillers, a popular non-surgical lip enhancement, usually involve injecting hyaluronic acid-based fillers (there are also other types) into the lips to augment their volume and fullness. Plumping up thin lips, smoothing out lip lines, adding hydration to the lips, and making a full, pouty shape are all possible with Lip fillers in Iran. Purpose [...]
Our packages included

Brow bone reduction surgery in Iran

1. What is Brow bone reduction surgery?Brow bone reduction surgery is a cosmetic procedure to get rid of a situation which is called “Neanderthal forehead” which can lead to an over-masculine face. This surgery is more popular among women but it is also common among men too. It will help you to make your face [...]

Face lift surgery in Iran

Face lift surgery in Iran As the capital of rhinoplasty in the world , Iran has a lot to offer for those wishing to have a nose job. What is eye brow and forehead lift surgery? Face lift surgery is a rejuvenation surgery. This surgery could help you to look more refresh and get rid [...]

Gynecomastia surgery in Iran

Gynecomastia surgery The enlargement of breast tissue in boys and men is called gynecomastia.  Gynecomastia surgery What is Gynecomastia surgery? It is a cosmetic procedure for eliminating the fat deposit in male breast which sometimes can be hard to get rid of. In some grades of gynecomastia, the patient needs removing both the fat accumulation [...]

Mommy makeover in Iran

Mommy makeover in Iran A mommy makeover is a combination of cosmetic procedures to restore the body to its pre-pregnancy state. Mommy makeover in Iran What is mammy makeover surgery? Mommy makeover surgery which is a combination of many surgeries and techniques including liposuction, abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), mammoplasty and etc., is a surgical procedure for [...]

Genioplasty surgery in Iran

genioplasty surgery in Iran Chin cosmetic surgery or genioplasty in Iran is called chin reduction or enlargement surgery. What is chin surgery? It is a cosmetic surgery for reshaping your chin that is called “Genioplast”. It is used in these situations: You have deformity in your chin You have big and forwarded chin which is [...]

Bimaxillary orthognathic surgery in Iran

Bi-maxillary orthogenetic surgery in Iran As the captal of rhinoplasty in the world , Iran has a lot to offer for those wishing to have a nose job. Bimaxillary orthogenetic surgery in Iran What is Bimaxillary surgery? It is a cosmetic surgery for reshaping your upper jaw or lower jaw that is called “bi-maxillary surgery”. [...]

Central lip reduction in Iran

Central lip reduction in Iran As the capital of rhinoplasty in the world , Iran has a lot to offer for those wishing to have a nose job. What is central lip reduction surgery? It is a cosmetic procedure in order to reduce the distance between the nose and upper lift. Many factors including aging [...]
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