Care after Gynecomastia

Recovery after Gynecomastia Surgery

Recovery from gynecomastia surgery is different for each person, depending on the extent of the treatment and their health. Here is an overview of what you can expect during recovery: Immediately after an operation: After the surgery, you’ll be taken to a healing area where you’ll be closely watched. People often feel groggy, tired, or […]

sleep after gynecomastia surgery

How to sleep after gynecomastia surgery

It can be hard to sleep after gynecomastia surgery, especially in the first few days after the process. Here are some tips to help you sleep well after gynecomastia surgery and speed up your recovery: Raise Your Upper Body: Having your upper body raised while you sleep can help reduce swelling and pain. You can […]

medical tourism in Iran

The best medical tourism in Iran

Medical tourism in Iran has grown a lot because it offers high-quality healthcare at prices that most people can afford. Here are some important things about medical tourism in Iran: Qualified and Experienced Doctors: Iran has a large number of highly skilled and experienced doctors, many of whom have foreign degrees and have studied or […]

Non-surgical Cosmetic Treatments in Iran

Non-surgical Cosmetic Treatments in Iran

Non-surgical ways to look better are becoming more popular all over the world, including in Iran. These treatments are slightly invasive and can make someone look better without surgery or a long recovery time. Here are some of Iran’s most famous beauty treatments that don’t involve surgery: Injections of Botox: Botox is a poison that […]

nose fillers gone wrong

Nose fillers side effects

Nose fillers, which are also called dermal fillers or liquid rhinoplasty, are usually thought to be safe, but they can have side effects. Before going through the process, it’s important to know about these possible side effects. Here are some of the most common side effects of nose fillers: Temporary Swelling and Bruising: It is […]

breast implants and cancer

Breast implants and cancer

Medical devices called breast implants are used to change the size, shape, and look of the breasts. They are often used to make the breasts bigger or to rebuild the breasts after a mastectomy or other surgery on the breasts: There are two main kinds of breast implants: those filled with saline and those filled […]

nose filler or nose job

Nose filler or nose job

Whether you should get a nose filler or a nose job (rhinoplasty) depends on many things, such as your goals, the affects you want, and your situation. Nose fillers, also called non-surgical rhinoplasty or liquid rhinoplasty, are a way to make the nose look better by injecting skin fillers into certain parts of the nose. […]

liposuction benefits for type 2 diabetes

liposuction benefits for type 2 diabetes

Liposuction is a surgical method for getting rid of fat buildup in certain parts of the body. Even though it can make you look better by changing the shape of your body, it is not a treatment for type 2 diabetes. Changes in lifestyle, such as a healthy diet, regular physical exercise, and, in some […]

Types of liposuction

Types of liposuction

There are several types of liposuction methods used to remove extra fat from the body. The choice of technique depends on various factors, including the patient’s goals, the amount of fat to be removed, and the surgeon’s expertise. Some common kinds of liposuction are: Traditional Liposuction This is how liposuction has been done for a […]

Types of breast surgery for cancer

Types of breast surgery for cancer

Surgery of various kinds is performed on the breasts to treat breast cancer. The stage and location of the malignancy, the size of the tumor, and the patient’s general condition all play a role in determining the optimal surgical strategy. Some common breast cancer procedures include: Lumpectomy: A lumpectomy is a type of breast-conserving surgery […]

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